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Provider of raw pet food in Poland - RAWme Box company.

RAWme Box specializes in the production and delivery of ready-made portions of the Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (BARF) diet for dogs and cats throughout Poland. Their menu is curated by a raw food nutrition specialist, ensuring well-balanced meals tailored to the individual needs and preferences of pets. The company also places a strong emphasis on ecological solutions, using biodegradable packaging and seeking environmentally-friendly methods for isolating frozen meat.


When designing the Rawme Box online store with an extensive configurator, our main challenge was to ensure an intuitive interface for customizing the pet's diet.

We had to create a clear, responsive interface that allows easy adjustment of the diet to the individual characteristics of each animal. It was also crucial to develop an algorithm for calculating food portions and integrate it with the order management system.



We conducted a detailed analysis of our client's requirements, taking into account various scenarios for configuring pet diets.

We used computational algorithms to generate precise food portions, considering factors such as weight, activity level, and the health status of the animal. Additionally, we provided secure payment options and order handling flexibility, allowing customers to add multiple pets to a single order.


  • Figma

  • JavaScript

  • PHP 7.3

  • HTML / CSS

  • Laravel

  • Vue

  • Bootstrap

  • Sass

Real food


A personalized diet for your furry friends - customize meals to their individual needs and preferences.

A personalized diet for your furry friends - customize meals to their individual needs and preferences.

Dog diet
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